I think some people think they talk too much, and I think we should think about it. After some time trying to enforce certain makeshift patterns in my way of communicating with others, there are some conclusions. I’m going to discuss them now.
Why is there a heading here?
Pretty much to remind the readers that these blocks of words are spontaneous, and mutate. It’s important to set some tones.
A first conclusion
Well, to be honest, this is what’s happened so far: Since my previous I’ve Got 30 Mins, I have been speaking about many different topics with my closest humans. The alien thing turned out to be ephemeral after a couple of sessions, but some other topics took over in a similar fashion.
What about the conversations?
I’ve usually done a lot of the talking when it’s been a 1:1 conversation. For a change, I tried exploring what a mostly-listening side could feel like, and what overall results I could obtain from my bonding experience with that person I was mainly listening to. I also tried to observe the situation to be able to then think and write about it, which turns out requires a great deal of focus.
By listening and not speaking for the first couple of conversations, I couldn’t suppress the formation of ideas in my head e v e n w h i l e o n l y listening. I was sure I wasn’t going to say anything, but there were entire flows of thought not getting anywhere, but still being produced. This talked to me a lot about egos, and the subtle way mine is usually on like an AC in Florida.
Nature of those thoughts?
Next time. 30 mins.