Hello! To begin this lesson, remember that you need to fully focus your attention on it. If you need to read the previous one to fully get in the mood for English -and particularly, this part of English. Focus on this: Why should I be exploring how to speak about myself? And more particularly: Why…
Lesson ONE: Boosting Motivation
INTRODUCTION Lesson one will be focusing on boosting your motivation. So, read it completely. More than learning new words or structures in English, I’ll give you a taste of the type of analysis we will be getting into in my course. We need to start with how to face this process, or else you will…
The Right Mindset to Learn English
or more The Right Mindset to Learn (English), but let´s start. To begin your journey learning English, think about what your journey has been learning how to communicate, more broadly. How do you communicate in your mother tongue or in the language you feel more comfortable speaking? -Somewhere around variations of well and badly. This…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 10: How to Control the Ego (Sixth)
I’m not awfully inspired to write today, but I will anyways. P: So, what do you think of the pyramids, then? I: What do you mean? P: Man-made or alien-assisted? I: I have zero knowledge about that, so I´m going to go with man-made. P: So, you really don´t know much about the pyramids, their…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 9: How to Control the Ego? (Fifth)
It’s a beautiful day so much that my ego can’t appear very perceptibly. Kidding. It can always appear, but I’m also alone, and like it was suggested before, there usually are fewer triggers for it in solitude. Why, though? More people, more ego Not sure, but it’s an idea that usually crosses my mind and…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 8: How to Control the Ego (Fourth)
Your ego might be sitting at the wheel, driving your talks into crashing. We were discussing some questions by the end of the previous 30-Mins. Your ego has a list of questions and filters for your life experiences, like it’s boss, because it kinda is. YOU have likely given shape to a certain image of…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 7: How to Control the Ego? (Third)
I HAVE TO ADDRESS THE EGO IN THIS ONE, DON´T I? I know it’s about time, but if you read this, the thought of the ego might’ve paid you a visit already. If it didn’t, I would suggest you push those thoughts into existence. Ego, Aliens, Listening, Speaking, Not Speaking -What’s This? Your ego plays…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 5: How to Control the Ego?(Second)
It’s sunny today! The last time, I was discussing staying silent while a speaker speaks. I was just reading I wrote that “Some of us usually have something to say”, but I actually want to add that some of us usually HAVE TO say something. That’s the point. Not knowing that we don’t HAVE TO…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 5: How to Control the Ego ? (first)
Nature of those thoughts? Uh-huh, how to control the ego. So, the scenario I’m trying to paint here is: I am having a conversation with a family member and I am not taking control or interfering -not to agree; not to disagree. So, what am I localizing my focus on as the talk progresses? I…
I’ve Got 30 Mins 4: Do I Talk Too Much?
I think some people think they talk too much, and I think we should think about it. After some time trying to enforce certain makeshift patterns in my way of communicating with others, there are some conclusions. I’m going to discuss them now.